When you lease a vehicle, on most contract types you have the option to include vehicle maintenance within your monthly rentals. This will increase the cost of your monthly rentals, but it will provide you with fixed monthly payments.
The key benefits of taking vehicle maintenance within your agreement are:
Contract Type | Maintenance Available |
Contract Hire | YES |
Contract Purchase | YES |
Finance Lease | YES |
Lease Purchase | NO |
Personal Contract Hire | YES |
Personal Contract Purchase | YES |
With modern vehicles often having extended servicing schedules, it’s tempting to think it’s cheaper to arrange the maintenance yourself. Of course, you are entitled not to include maintenance within your agreement and in certain cases this may be the right decision. However, it’s important to take your contractual responsibilities into account before you make a decision.
It is also important to understand, that when maintenance is not included, that you won’t benefit from the support and experience of the leasing company’s Maintenance Team. These teams are industry experts with years of experience repairing vehicle. Their knowledge and experience can be crucial in speeding up repairs and in instances where complications around warranty arise, they are invaluable.
As part of our qualification process, we will provide you with advice on which option is best for you.